Light from the Psalter 11: Seeking the LORD

Psalm 62 (LXX), 63 (Hebrew), speaks of David’s longing for God in the wilderness of Judah, and is one of the most perfect psalms upon which to meditate when we are in a dry period.  The psalm begins with seeking God, and ends in rejoicing in God.  It puts before us the pattern of theContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 11: Seeking the LORD”

Light from the Psalter 10: God’s Wrath and God’s Healing

Psalm 37 LXX/38 Hebrew; Job; Hebrews 12:6; Isaiah 53:7-8 Father Patrick Reardon, in describing Psalm 37 LXX (Hebrew 38), which is chanted during the first part of Sunday Matins, calls it “one of the rougher parts of the Psalter” (Reardon, Christ in the Psalms, 2000, 73).  Its main themes, sin and suffering, are not for theContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 10: God’s Wrath and God’s Healing”

Light from the Psalter 9: Arise, O LORD!

Psalm 3; 2 Samuel (2 Kingdoms) 15-18, Psalm 22/23, Isaiah 60:1 We have already briefly touched upon Psalm 3 at the beginning of this series of the Psalms, since some of its verses are joined together with Psalms 1-2 at the beginning of Great Vespers.  However, during Matins, the entire Psalm is recited silently by theContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 9: Arise, O LORD!”

Light from the Psalter 8: He asked Life of Thee and Thou Gavest it to Him!

Psalm 20 LXX/21 Hebrew, in the light of Psalm 36/37, as well as 2 Samuel 3. This second “royal” psalm of matins extends many of the themes of Psalm 19 LXX/20 Hebrew.  It has two major parts: the first speaks about “the king,” and the second part addresses that same king.  The first part speaksContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 8: He asked Life of Thee and Thou Gavest it to Him!”

Light from the Psalter 7: Rescued and Restored by the King

Psalms 19 and 20 (Hebrew text 20 and 21) set the tone for Orthros (Matins) as it is prayed for Sunday and Feast-days. Orthros is, as some know, a very long service when served in its entirety, and took its place as the last of four night-time services, taking place at dawn after an all-nightContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 7: Rescued and Restored by the King”

Light from the Psalter 6: Robed in Majesty!

Psalm 92/3, Isaiah 6, Genesis 3, Isaiah 51:9, cf. Isaiah 27:1, Ezekiel 29:3, Psalm 88/9:10 Having entered into God’s holy presence in Great Vespers, by means of the Lamplight Songs, and the ancient Hymn, O Gladsome Light, we are given a vision of the LORD, robed in majesty.  It is as though we are tracingContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 6: Robed in Majesty!”

Light from the Psalter 5: Crying Out of the Depths

Psalm 129LXX/130 MT  and 116/117; Deuteronomy 30:11-14; Romans 10:6-8, Luke 23:34-46, Mark 14:37, 15:34 In the darkness of Vespers, and from the depths of our hearts, we cry out to God, knowing that the Lord’s Day will follow the night. The third and fourth of the lamplighting Psalms (Psalm 129/130 and Psalm 116/117) are chantedContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 5: Crying Out of the Depths”

Light from the Psalter 4: I Cried to the Lord

Psalm 141 (LXX) /142 (MT); 1 Samuel (Kingdoms) 22; 1 Samuel (Kingdoms) 24; Hebrews 12:1-6 The second of the “Lamp-light” Psalms, Psalm 141 in the Greek, 142 in the Hebrew, continues the theme of the previous one—the plight of the righteous, and their cry to God.  In the Psalter, it is introduced by a superscriptionContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 4: I Cried to the Lord”