Light from the Psalter 20: Arriving in Zion

Psalm 131-133/132-134; 2 Samuel (Kingdoms) 6-7 With Tone 5 of the Ascent Songs, we arrive at the end of our journey to the heavenly Zion. There are more morning antiphons sung in tones 6 through 8, but these return to the Ascent Psalms that we have already heard, and stress themes already touched upon.  TheContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 20: Arriving in Zion”

Light from the Psalter 19: Out of the Depths

Psalms 128-130 (MT 129-131); Isaiah 42:6-7; 1 Peter 4:12-14. We continue with our pilgrimage up to God’s holy presence in the Orthros Psalms and Songs of Ascent, this time focusing on the Tone Four anabathmoi, and Psalms 128-130 (MT 129-131). These three psalms, with the antiphons that are based on them, emphasize the humble conditionContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 19: Out of the Depths”

Important Conversation

This week I was privileged to participate in the production of Ancient Faith Radio entitled “Two Natures: Examining Chalcedon and Communion.” Though I am a New Testament scholar, and this is not my specialty, I was delighted to participate in the conversation throughout. I consider this a key topic today, both for the sake ofContinue reading “Important Conversation”

Light from the Psalter 18: The Generous God

Psalms LXX 125-127 (MT 126-128); Col 1:9-14; Eph 4:4-8; 1 Cor 15:43. As we reach this third grouping of steps in the Songs (and Psalms) of Ascent, we move out of the darkness and into the light.  Psalms 125-127 (MT 126-128) still remember exile, but primarily celebrate the generosity of God, who has rescued, andContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 18: The Generous God”

A blast from the past!

I have just retrieved from you-tube a series of four short talks, entitled The Trinity Today: God’s Mystery Unveiled For Us, recorded in Fredericton, New Brunswick, in 2004, by the Anglican Prayerbook Society. Though Anglican at the time (I became Orthodox about 5 years later), I think all creedal Christians, including Orthodox, will find these congenial.Continue reading “A blast from the past!”

Icons and Incarnation: You Can’t Have One Without the Other

Some of you are old enough, like me, to remember the Campbell’s soup advertisement, Soup and Sandwich—you can’t have one without the other.  Of course, it was based upon “Love and Marriage,” a Frank Sinatra hit from the 50s, which reflects a time when general Christian morals still were making their mark on our society. Continue reading “Icons and Incarnation: You Can’t Have One Without the Other”

Light from the Psalter 17: The Step of Safety, Sanctification, and the Holy Spirit

Psalms LXX 122-124 (MT 123-125); Eph. 6:10-17; 2 Peter 3:9; Romans 8:26-27 On our pilgrimage to the holy abode of God, as we prepare during Matins for the Divine Liturgy, we come to the second step of the climbing songs, based on Psalms 122-4 (MT 123-5). Like the Jewish pilgrims to Jerusalem of old, weContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 17: The Step of Safety, Sanctification, and the Holy Spirit”

Light from the Psalter 16: Ascending to God

Psalms LXX 119-133 (MT 120-134); Hebrews 12:18-29 Orthros is full of snippets of psalms, joined to various hymns and responses. The most well-known may be the “Songs of Ascent” (anabathmoi) that are composed on the foundation of Psalms 119-133 (in the Hebrew 120-134).  These fifteen psalms, called “psalms of ascent” in the Psalter, were traditionallyContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 16: Ascending to God”

New Article on the New Creation in Scripture and Tradition

Friends may be interested in reading this article which appears in the St Andrews online Encyclopaedia of Theology. In it I speak of the New Creation in terms of what is “good,” what is “new,” and what is “beautiful,” and try to find a way through the debate between anticipating the resurrection and the conceptContinue reading “New Article on the New Creation in Scripture and Tradition”