Light from the Psalter 19: Out of the Depths

Psalms 128-130 (MT 129-131); Isaiah 42:6-7; 1 Peter 4:12-14. We continue with our pilgrimage up to God’s holy presence in the Orthros Psalms and Songs of Ascent, this time focusing on the Tone Four anabathmoi, and Psalms 128-130 (MT 129-131). These three psalms, with the antiphons that are based on them, emphasize the humble conditionContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 19: Out of the Depths”

Light from the Psalter 18: The Generous God

Psalms LXX 125-127 (MT 126-128); Col 1:9-14; Eph 4:4-8; 1 Cor 15:43. As we reach this third grouping of steps in the Songs (and Psalms) of Ascent, we move out of the darkness and into the light.  Psalms 125-127 (MT 126-128) still remember exile, but primarily celebrate the generosity of God, who has rescued, andContinue reading “Light from the Psalter 18: The Generous God”